Monday, 24 January 2011

Area Competition Dates

Sunday 22nd May              Games                  Lancaster

Sun 19th  June                       Showjumping    hosted by Oxenholme but not sure of venue – REVISED DATE

Sunday 26th June              Eventing              Skipton

Sunday 9th July                  Dressage             Osbaldeston

Sat 16th/Sun 17th July       Tetrathlon           with Area 5


Rally on 30th January

Members are reminded that Margot Tiffany will be instructing the Senior rally at GGH on Sunday 30th January and Lindsey Tarrant will be the instructor for Garran Beg at the Glebe on the same date.  Margot travels all over the world instructing and the IOM branch of the Pony Club is most fortunate to be able to offer members instruction by this very popular lady.  Usually the Margot rally is well oversubscribed so members are advised to get their entries in as soon as possible.  Entries close for both senior rally and Garran Beg on Tuesday 25th Jan and should be sent along with correct fee to Chris Chatel. For further information please visit


Sunday, 2 January 2011

Pony Club Gets Going Again!

After a series of cancelled events due to the weather and condition of the roads, Pony Club were finally able to hold their Christmas Garran Beg games rally at Kennaa on Wednesday 29th December.  There was an excellent attendance of 26 young members who enjoyed a full programme of team  mounted games with a Christmas theme.  A brave number of the children turned up in fancy dress and it was fun to see a lot of Santa hats and tinsel on the willing ponies.   Many thanks to Chris Chatel and Jane Cross for organizing this fun event and also to Paula Creer for allowing us to borrow the Christmas props for the games.

Next weekend will be a busy time for members – on Friday 7th January it is the annual Christmas Disco and Prize Presentation 7.00pm at the Pensioners Hall, Finch Road,  Douglas 7.00pm start .  This is open to all members and friends and  is a faith supper so please bring a plate of food. £3 per person. The annual trophies will be awarded and  also all members who have represented the club in Area or Zone events will receive their badges for this accomplishment.  William Blane FBHS will be presenting the prizes this year.

Saturday 8th January is the postponed rally and Garran Beg from Saturday 11th December.  The Senior Rally will be instructed by William Blane and held at GGH.  William is head of Training within the Pony Club UK and is also a Fellow of the British Horse Society.  Those members  that have received instruction previously from William will agree that this is an opportunity not to be missed.  The Garran Beg rally for the younger members will be at the Glebe as normal.  Entries for both rallies to be send to Chris Chatel with the correct fee by the due date. Late entries will only be accepted if sufficient space.

On Sunday 9th January William will be giving some extra training to the members in the event training squad who are hoping to compete in the Area events in 2011.  This training will be held at Ballawilleykilley, Glen Vine (kind permission of Mr & Mrs J Kirkpatrick) please contact Sue Staley on 824123 regarding this.

For further information regarding the Pony Club please visit .