Sunday, 27 February 2011
Rally 26th February GGH and the Glebe
Thursday, 24 February 2011
'E' Test
The 'E' test is the first test taken in Pony Club. The following members all passed this test today:-
Doona Kirk, Sammie Callister, Amelia Hotchkiss, Daisee Sewell, Tommy Ralston and Lucy Parsons. Well done!
Road Rider Mini Achievement Badge
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
Event Training
A and B squad training will be dropped and members may find themselves in different groups each session – this is of no consequence and is just to facilitate the organization.
As some places have become available the training will be offered to other members who meet the criteria:- paid subscription by 31st January 2011, on course for completing their three rallies and can easily jump a course of 90cm.
If you wish to train in March, dates being 10th and 24th, please send relevant payment, £10 per training session, before 28th February, to Isle of Man Pony Club, c/o Sue Staley, 10 Stowell Place, Castletown, Isle of Man IM9 1HF
If you only want to attend one training session please advise which date when sending payment.
Sunday, 20 February 2011
It was lovely to see so many new faces at this event. The topic was tack and lorinery (bits) and there were five groups. The E/D groups were instructed by Caroline Hawley and Julie Sansbury, D – Paula Kelly, C – Ginette Crennell and C+/B – Dolores Osborn
The instructors brought lots of different items of tack and bits which were most beneficial for members to discuss. The Mini Achievement badge for tack was awarded to:- Zevi Sansbury, Lucy Parsons, Abbie Cowin, Zelda Newey, Daisee Sewell, Elsie Hyatt and Molly Storrie. A big thankyou to AnneMarie and Katie for organizing the night and also to all the instructors for giving up their time. The next Horse and Pony Care evening will be 18th March 6.45pm to 8.00pm. which is BADGE NIGHT as well as Red Nose Day. Watch this space for further details...
The following events have been arranged for members in all branches in Area 4. If you are interested in any of the following please contact me - and I will supply further information and application forms.
Please note revised timetable
Following discussion at the Area Meeting, amendments have been made to the Instructor/ Member Training Dates.
We hope these changes work better with school holiday dates enabling more Senior Members/Instructors to attend.
Hilary Wakefield & Carol Hill
for any senior members, parents, committee member etc. wanting to start to coach
Monday 11th April 10am – 4.30 pm Myerscough College
for senior members age 15+ wishing to join some older members to train together
Members can attend one or two days – no overnight stay available
Wed/Thurs 13th/14th April 9am - 4pm Myerscough College
Hilary Wakefield & Carol Hill
for instructors & examiners - needing to update/accredit
for members & parents - to gain an understanding of the test requirements
Thursday 28th April 6pm - 9pm Myerscough College
Hilary Wakefield & Carol Hill
for a group of 8 instructors, at any age or level,
wishing to: develop their coaching / update / accredit
Wednesday 13th July 10am – 4.30pm Myerscough College
relaxed, informal Camp for age 16+ senior members
staying overnight in horse boxes, canteen available for meals or bring your own
Wednesday 20th – Friday 22nd July Myerscough College
Format of coaching courses at - “Training” and “Standardised Courses”
Application forms and costs for all the above courses will follow
Any other queries to: Area 4 Training Co-ordinator -
Thursday, 17 February 2011
Mini road rider achievement badge
We will be holding a test for the Mini Road Rider Achievement badge on 24th February at Kennaa from 2- 4 pm.
The children will need to bring their pony to do this test.
It is now compulsory for children to pass this test before attempting their D and D+ tests. The test is very straighforward, you can find details of it on look under tests and achievements.
If you would like your child/children to take this test please let Anne - Marie Robinson know.
Wednesday, 16 February 2011
February 2011 News
Hello Members,
The application form for all Pony Club camps in 2011 is now on the website. Please read carefully and enter by due dates. As you know we do not normally send out our information by post as it is all updated on the website however we felt that it was only fair to send out this application form so that all members receive it on the same date. You should all have received a copy in the post now.
We hope you like the ‘New Look’ website. Remember to check it out regularly for updates on events, news on members and past and future events
Good luck to all our members who will be competing off island at various events during the coming months - we look forward to hearing your results and these can be put on the website by emailing .
Due to the popularity of the Horse and Pony Care evenings at Kennaa we have added an additional session on the 15th April. This will also be our Parents Open night when all parents are invited along to meet the committee who will be happy to answer any questions regarding the Pony Club in the Isle of Man.
Date for Diary – Annual Ball - Saturday 12th November
Change of Date – One Day Event scheduled for 11th September will now be held on 18th September.
Forthcoming rallies:- The last few rallies have been fully subscribed so be sure to get your entries with correct fee, in to Chris Chatel by due date.
Saturday 26th February –the Senior rally will be instructed by Catherine Cundall. Catherine has instructed for us several times and is a very popular and experienced instructor. The instructor for Garran Beg was to be Catherine’s daughter Charlotte however
Sunday 27th March sees the return of William Blane. As most of you will know by now William is a top class instructor and this opportunity to receive further instruction from him should not be missed. The instructor for Garran Beg will be Bev Whitehead. Bev is from
Finally – we have a new course at Oatlands this year and we are hoping to hold a Course Walk with William Blane on Saturday 26th March – this will be invaluable to those of you aiming to compete cross country this year – check the website for further details.
Looking forward to seeing you at our events in 2011.
Sunday, 13 February 2011
Junior Competition – Teams to comprise of three Members. Ages to be 13 years and under at 1st January 2011, one Member to be 11 years or under at 1st January2011. The Junior competition is based round the Pony Club ‘D’ and ‘C’ Horsemastership tests.
Senior Competition – Teams to comprise of three Members. Ages to be 14-21 at 1st January 2011, one Member to be 16 years or under at January 1st 2011. The Senior competition is based round the Pony Club ‘C+’ to ‘AH’ Horsemastership tests.
This competition was held on the island last year and quite a few members were able to take part and enjoyed the experience however this year we would anticipate just taking one junior team and one senior team. This is a practical competition and would require members to train at least once a week.
If you would like to begin training and be considered for a team could you please email by 1st March.
N.B. To take part in the competition members MUST have paid their 2011 subscription by 31st January 2011.
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
Quiz 2010
AnneMarie and Alice were to take eight members – Katy Robinson, Archie Veale, Breeshey Evans, Aalish Creer, Callum Staley, Emily Fleming , Jordanne Kennaugh and Patrick Cox and two vehicles on the boat on the Friday night and return on the boat on the Sunday afternoon however things started to go wrong when DC Alice broke her wrist and was unable to drive. Fortunately President Jackie McCubbin stepped in and offered to drive the other vehicle.
Due to unforeseen circumstances Emily Fleming was unable to take part which was very disappointing for Emily but Emily Kelly was press ganged at the last minute into going. Next disaster on the day before they were due to travel poor Jordanne was really ill with tonsillitis and she was unable to go as well, to add to this the forecast was for severe gales on the Friday evening crossing so it was hurriedly decided to travel on the Friday morning instead. This was in fact an horrendous crossing and several members were laid low for the whole journey however once off the boat things started to look up.
After a visit to Derby House and an hour shopping in Preston we all returned to the Premier Inn in Lancaster and on Saturday morning drove down to Poynton for the Quiz. We arrived in good time and spent an hour in a garden centre there where both teams squeezed themselves onto a miniature railway for a trip round the garden in the pouring rain.
Then onto the Quiz in Poynton Civic Hall. With Jordanne unable to attend we were one team member short but when asked Chloe Cross, who is at University in Leeds, travelled over on the train and made up the fourth member. A big thank you to Chloe!
There were 21 teams taking part and both the Isle of Man teams gave a very creditable performance – one finishing 5th and the other finishing 12th. Only a few points separating them from the winners – this is a very encouraging result as the average age in both teams was very young.
After the Quiz we drove to Warrington to go Ten Pin Bowling. This was great fun with Emily showing great potential in this sport. After much rivalry between AnneMarie and Callum I think AnneMarie ended up Champion!
To finish up a quite eventful trip – the boat crossing back on the Sunday afternoon was worse than the trip over on the Friday! Everyone arrived back on the island a bit weary and tired but agreed it had been a most enjoyable trip. All the members were a credit to the club and a real pleasure to be with.
Many thanks to Jackie for stepping in as driver at the last minute and an even bigger thank you to AnneMarie for training the team and travelling on the boat in such horrible weather – we hope it has not put her off for next year.
Blog Archive
- Rally 26th February GGH and the Glebe
- 'E' Test
- Road Rider Mini Achievement Badge
- Event Training
- Horse and Pony Care/Achievements Night 18th Februa...
- Mini road rider achievement badge
- Horse and Pony Care Friday 18th February 2011 - 6....
- February 2011 News
- The Pony Club Area 4 Blue Cross Horse and Pony Car...
- Quiz 2010